Predictions and Expectations for 5.5

I wanna know what others think and expect from 5.5.

With how hoyoverse has been operating in genshin my expectations are non existant I feel that hoyo has been and will continue to neglect this game , which is just depressing atp , at least until 6.0 (coping hard rn).

I expect Varesa's SQ to be another mid SQ with its focus somehow on npcs more that the character and hoyo has a great track record of doing this.

Probably no Qol this update as well 😕

This is all speculation and educated guess based on current leaks , I hope to God that I am wrong and that they do cook with this update, but I don't see it happening they are too busy making 2 new games btw and diverting thier focus to HSR and ZZZ more