Ranting abt Mauvikas design
I’m a lore player, which means that I only pull for characters that intrigue me bc of their lore or their design.
When Natlan started off, we got a glimpse of Kachina, Mualani, and Kinich, and I have to say out of all these characters none of them really captured my eye (in terms of design), but whatever, it’s the start, surely the design won’t stay the same right?
And then Xilonen released, and I felt “okay… well, I like her jacket, it’s just that isn’t she a blacksmith? Why so many DJ motifs??”
Whatever, then Chasca released and I almost quit the game bc of blatant powercreep of wanderer in terms of DPS and exploration (DPS bc Chasca being from Natlan automatically gave her an advantage, oh and did I mention her design being horrendous, anyways whatever I’m biased it’s okay) whatever.. I can live with that, I’m just waiting for the archon..
I have to say that whilst we did get acquainted with Mauvika before she got released I genuinely held hope that they’d make her go through something in the story which would make her have a design more tailored towards what she actually is, a leader, a leader of the nation of war specifically
And then she released and for once I decided to skip an Archon completely For me a design of a character is one of the most important parts of said character, it has to fit the character, explain the character visually ect. Mauvikas design is amazing don’t get me wrong (despite the coochie zipper..) BUT only IF the premise of her character WASN’T a literal warrior You need to look at a character and be able to guess said characters main core
You look at Mauvika and all you see is hot biker chick Where’s the powerful strong woman who fights for her nation in war? Where is the leader of Natlan that hides her true self from her people to portray an image of strong so that they can rest assured?
Mauvikas personality doesn’t even fit her design, you’re telling me intimidating confident strong Mauvika would wear a black leather bodysuit with only a zipper holding her dignity to a meeting?
And her flipping motorcycle, not to mention gameplay wise it doesn’t even feel smooth, but seriously, they couldn’t have given her a horse or something, once again I get that this is Mauvika personally, but why would Mauvika show her vulnerable side in a war or to her people??? Makes no sense If it’s for sake of fan service then they could’ve literally given her some tattered shorts a small ass bra maybe some muscles and it would do the job of portraying Mauvika like an Archon of war much more then whatever she has now
Natlan designs so far have been such a miss it’s actually depressing, I’m worried that if the game continues like this I might just quit 😭 I don’t care for meta nor kit, just give me good desighs PLEASE (it’s not even that, the designs are good they just don’t fit at all)
It’s like the design department forgot that they need to actually have good desighs that portray a character and show their role in the story instead of just some boring sexy desigh for every character (mind you Fontaine was literally the nation before this)
I’m not trying to say that you HAVE to dislike Natlan desighs, this is just me stating my opinion, if you like Natlan designs great!, good for you, it’s just that surely asking a multi-billion dollar company to have unique desighs instead of copy and pasting every boring cliche that exists in every gacha games isn’t much of an ask?? (Looking at a certain upcoming a character that seems to be a cow character that eats a lot.. like be serious to me.. multi-billion dollar company, u can be a bit more original than that 😭)
Edit: I took advice bc I’m a good boy and tried to make the paragraphs more further apart