Divorce Gift Recommendations

Hi all,

A close gen X female friend of mine is getting divorced and beyond spending time with them and inviting them to do things, I wanted to get them some sort of gift. Not to celebrate, but more of a “treat yourself” kind of gift. I see lots of gift baskets and the like that are marketed as a “divorce gift”, but given that I am not a female or Gen X I worry that my gift selection may not be the greatest. I would love some ideas or opinions on what would be a good things to get! And as far as price point goes is there an amount that says “I care” and an amount that says “I care too much?”. I personally don’t care how much it costs if it’s the right item, but don’t want to come across as suggesting more than a friendship!

TLDR: a gen X woman friend of mine is getting divorced and as a non Gen x male I would like some suggestions on what kind of gifts I could get her and what kind of price point would be acceptable without being weird.