I feel fucked, even though I tried really hard

I don't want to talk politics—it's useless at this point. This is my financial outlook at 53, and I just want to hear what my peers are doing as they face retirement in these unprecedented times.

My 401(k) is tanking.

They want to take away Social Security, a program I've paid into yearly since my teens—about 40 years.

The real estate market is crashing in certain areas, especially Florida, where I have a small investment property I’d love to sell but can’t seem to. By the time I get the price right, there won't be any equity left.

I'm at the end of my career in an industry that won’t hire me back in an equal position. I’m too old. Not an owner or high enough for a golden parachute. My savings is decent, but nowhere near enough if I lose my job at this point.

I feel like everything I did was useless, and I’m in for a cat food-for-dinner existence as an elderly person.

Do any of you feel this way?

Are you doing anything about it—besides self-medicating like I am? (Many, many bong hits daily lately.)

And for the Gen X finance folks, do you have any short-term suggestions for the solid middle class who aren’t ready for retirement? Or should we just continue with the bong hits?