From a Millennial to You

Alright, I know how this looks.

Some 1990-born Millennial about to get all sentimental and annoying. ugh

Cause like, that’s our thing sadly. Yeah, we think way too much.

I can already hear the “Jesus Christ, dude, shut up” from across the room.

But just hear me out before you tell me to fuck off.

I grew up surrounded by Gen X.

My parents were 1954-born Boomers.

My sisters? 1972, 1973, 1980.

My brother-in-law, who was like a mentor to me? 1969.

My grandfather? 1929. Your fav, a Silent generation bro

I got a front-row seat to all of that oh so fun generational interplay and tension. The good, the bad, the burned-out, the resigned, the ones who never assimilated, and the ones who never gave a fuck in the first place.

I respect the hell out of you. No bullshit, no fluff, just facts.

It’s sad that a gap exists between our two cohorts.

I know my generation annoys the shit out of you.

We were the little siblings you never asked for or even wanted.

We got coddled by the same parents who made you latchkey kids. I’m sorry for that.

We had it easier. And that wasn’t really right or fair.

And despite all of that?

You still shaped us. Some DNA of you lives on in us. You made us, too.

So no, you’re not erased. Even if the world forgot, we didn’t.

Some of us grew up watching you flip the bird to the machine and walk away.

Some of us watched you burn out and disappear into it.

Some of us watched you fight like hell to keep the ’90s attitude alive, even when the world steamrolled over it.


My generation drank our Starbucks while whining about inequality, and corporate greed, joined OWS but never really made any damn change.

You guys shaped an entire decade - and you fucking actually tried.

And if I’m being real? I wish my generation was more like yours.

I know you don’t want a tribute. I know you probably don’t care. But you deserved to hear it at least once.

Cause sometimes being appreciated isn’t as bad as it seems. Ya know?

And you guys? You’re still young honestly. It ain’t over yet.

Now, go ahead and tell me to fuck off.