Another Rant...
Ever swear the circus is in town some days and your clients seem...MORE inept than usual? Like there's normal level of "Okay, you're not tech savvy we get it haha" and then there's elite level of ineptitude.
Idk why people hear "Factory Reset, all data gone" and assume it means their apps will stay. Yes. You will need to reinstall those. You said there were no programs to reinstall. That's what an app is. No I don't know what your one drive account is.
I don't give a flying fk that your phone is your whole life. Don't know your apple id pw and can't reset it? YOU'RE SOL! Call Apple and pray. Idc what the girl at Verizon said. We can't hack it by plugging it into a computer. No I'm not going to plug it into another customers PC to try. No I assure you your apple id has a password. That's a one time reset code not a pin number.
No you cannot use my personal phone to make a call, tf are you on. My manager is not going to override that.
Your drive is bad. Idc that it worked three days ago. It's dead now. Do you want a replacement or not. No I did not sabotage it. The warranty expired in 2017 with a Celeron cpu there is no "speeding it up". It needs a mercy kill. No it is not Windows 11 compatible. I don't have to look it up to find out.
I'd love to let you talk to my manager! When you find them let me know.
Yes, I can see there is a line. My question was if you have a reservation or not. That's a lot of miles to drive for sure, now let's see what we have available for reservations. Will next Tuesday work for you? If I had any spots earlier I would have said so. We are not staffed for walk ins today. Idk I don't make the schedule.
Yes. We have to charge you to fix your PC. Our services are not free. I'm aware it was purchased here. 3 years ago. No you cannot return it.
Just. So. Much. Bs!!
Anyways /rant