People who have increased their VO2 max, how did you do it?

I’m sure this has been asked a lot but no harm in reigniting the discussion ;). I’m very into my fitness, do a lot of weight training, walk a lot and have decent endurance/cardio. I can cycle for long distances on a heavy mountain bike and train Muay Thai 3x a week. But my VO2 max is so low. I’m a 24 year old male and this poor score is bothering me. What limits will a poor VO2 max give me in terms of physical performance, specifically in an intense sport like Muay Thai, and what have you guys done to get it up?

I’m sure this has been asked a lot but no harm in reigniting the discussion ;). I’m very into my fitness, do a lot of weight training, walk a lot and have decent endurance/cardio. I can cycle for long distances on a heavy mountain bike and train Muay Thai 3x a week. But my VO2 max is so low. I’m a 24 year old male and this poor score is bothering me. What limits will a poor VO2 max give me in terms of physical performance, specifically in an intense sport like Muay Thai, and what have you guys done to get it up?