Found some gems today

My daughter told me she wanted to play an older Pokemon game because they looked “really cool”. So while she was in school, I went through an old dresser drawer and found a ton of my old gameboy stuff. Systems and games I completely forgot about! Most of the games are real, but I know I bought a few fakes years ago. I want to know if you all would suggest fire red, soul silver or alpha sapphire for her to try out? She’s already played sword/shield.

My daughter told me she wanted to play an older Pokemon game because they looked “really cool”. So while she was in school, I went through an old dresser drawer and found a ton of my old gameboy stuff. Systems and games I completely forgot about! Most of the games are real, but I know I bought a few fakes years ago. I want to know if you all would suggest fire red, soul silver or alpha sapphire for her to try out? She’s already played sword/shield.