Using a smart watch as an aid to recovery from serious injury or illness
I bought my first smart watch last month. Last October I found out that I was going to need two fusions in my neck. The surgery was done in the middle of last month. I knew the surgery was going to be bad and that the recovery would be long, slow, and rough. I’d had my first cervical fusion in 2001, so I pretty much already knew what I was in for with these two. And I really wanted some way to track my progress during the recovery, even before physical therapy would start, which is still a few weeks away. I’d never really thought much about smart watches and had no idea at all as to what they could even do. I had not even thought about them as I was very happy with my old Casio. But the more I looked at them and learned what they can do the more they looked like a great way to measure the progress of my recovery. I finally decided on a refurbished Samsung Galaxy 5 Pro and could not be happier with it. It has done everything I had hoped it would and much more. I’m learning more about it each day and am able to see my progress, which is slow, but there is steady improvement. I would not be able to do this any other way. So I highly recommend smart watches as an aid to recovery from serious injury or illness. And you don’t need anything fancy or expensive. Most of them could probably do the basics well enough to be a huge help. And I’m very happy with my refurbished Samsung. It has really been perfect for my needs.