“There’s something so wrong with him”
My husband doesn’t really know anything about the Petito case, but we’ve just started watching the Netflix documentary together and the quote above was his reaction to Brian within the first half hour of the first episode. I’ve already seen the documentary and I was surprised by my husband’s reaction. The whole time, I felt like Brian concealed his darkness very well. He seemed like a normal, quiet, chill guy to me, if rather awkward on camera, and I felt that his violent side came totally out of left field. My husband says it’s because I’m not great at reading people or predicting their reactions. Then again, Gabby obviously didn’t spot the red flags for a long time, either. Neither did his friend Nichole.
I’m wondering if other people agree more with my husband, or with me? Was it easy to spot something ‘off’ about Brian? And if so, what exactly was it?