Unpopular opinion; Why does everybody want “every building to be enterable”?

All this would do it make the game take up more space if done in good quality, or just be boring as fuck because it’s randomly generated. Bigger isn’t always better. GTA V had a pretty big map but nowhere close to the largest map of other games in that era, however the game had so much density to it. Being able to go to the 32nd floor of some random ass building that <1% of players will visit is so pointless. I think effort would be better spent on parts of the game most players or a decent percent will see. Ultimately, I think there is a balance point.

TLDR; Yes many buildings should have interiors but it’s not necessary for every single building in the entire game because at that point it would either take up too much space or be procedurally generated and boring and to “Ai” feeling and fake.