Jason's Actor - Has the guy even been found?

I was recently thinking about the fact that while Lucia's actress has been all but confirmed, the case of Jason is a lot more tricky. Infamously, his face is purposely never fully shown in any of the trailer despite all the screen time he gets. And, even with a lot of leaked footage that does show his full face, we haven't really come much closer to a definitive answer. So, in retrospective of these 2 or so years, searching far and wide for "the real Jason". Let's have a look at the few main suspect that have emerged for the character thus far:

Most believed: Jake Silbermann / Dylan Rourke

Some believe(d): Matthew Metzger / Bryan Zampella / Gregory Connors

Celeb/meme tier: Anthony Starr / David Schwimmer / Troy Baker / Jim Caviezel / Channing Tatum / Will Smith

But the reason I felt the need to make a post right now wasn't really to reignite the sparks of the J.S. vs D.R. war, to eventually end up making zero progress. Rather, through a sort of meta study: listing all the most frequently brought up names, ask a very big question:

Has the Jason actor even been found yet? Do you guys actually think that one of the names above *is* the Jason actor, or would you rather bet that he's still out there, largely unknown, flying under the radar?

Looking back to similar-ish mysteries like "Celebrity number 6". We know in hindsight that 2+ names were popularly believed to be the person in the picture. For years, a lot of people were out looking for a nonexistent "perfect match" photo of their person. Often ignoring other leads completely because of how certain they were, given how much the person looked like the drawing on the curtain. In the end, it was some totally different rando, who almost no one was looking at. So in the blink of an eye, everyone happily forgot how for years they had spent all their free time looking into the wrong person.

Why am I yapping about all that? Well, because with that case and certainly a huge number of real life cold cases, it ends up pointing to a couple suspects that resemble the drawing/picture. And essentially every time, we can assume these are just false leads, or something would probably have come from it! Isn't the fact that we still aren't so sure about Jason a good sign that we don't have our guy yet? At least that's what I'm thinking. Anyhow, please feel free to let me know what y'all think: Is it one of the names (if so, who?) or is he still unknown to us? I haven't gone as in depth, as I know some here have, so I'm genuinely curious!

TLDR ; The fact that we are so split / unsure about Jason could mean we haven't even found him, but maybe we have? Idk ._.

Edit: lil grammar