Trevor should die like Johnny Klebitz...

I didn't follow it closely, because I don't really care, but I was aware that Steven Ogg said something like "I want Trevor to die in GTA6".

To honor those wishes, I think it'd be a great mirror of GTA4s "Lost and Damned" protaganisy to have Trevor just... die.

Nothing spectacular, just fucked around and found out.

According to his Wiki page, he's canonically alive after the Story; he's nowhere to be found in LS, and seems to still act... the same, or at least still "homeless-looking, quick to anger, and threatening to shit on a desk for little reason".

Why not have him be in Vice City, and piss off some mafia man or something, and get killed in a very inglorious way... like Johnny Klebitz.

Maybe one of the protags in GTA6 need to prove loyalty by killing some nuisance for someone.

I dunno, just doubt it'll happen, but I think it'll be amusing, fitting, and honors the VAs wishes.