So Gypsy doesn’t have custody?

Gypshit, I hope you see this comment. We know you probably lurk on this sub.

If true, which sounds true, YOU not having custody just made my day!

Hopefully the LA judge will take her away from you permanently for the next 18 years & then she will want nothing to do with you.

You may have gotten a sweet plea deal to serve just 8 1/2 years inside a prison, now you may be serving an 18 year sentence on the outside if you lose permanent custody. .

As soon as your parole is up, I hope Ken gets permanent custody & the house, & you have to pay child support for the next 18 years.

Ken isn’t the greatest but he is definitely lesser of the two evils & at least Aurora will be safe.

And I know Kristy & Rod will want you out of their house the minute your parole ends, which will leave you homeless.

I know none of the Pitre family would let you live with them, so who else would take you in?

Mia? I don’t think so. I think she sees through you & deep down hates you. She wouldn’t have even spoken to you had it not been for the blood money.

So your only hope for a place to live is if you get back with Ryan. But we all know what you will do while he’s at work & you’ll treat him just like before.

Here’s to Ken getting full custody & Aurora’s safety Gypshit. 🎉