This might be a controversial opinion here, but:

An user on youtube, nagase0618 published a video, titled Official Statement of the Shrine :Nagase Takeshi, in which he expresses how disrespectful the new Assassin's Creed game is, his statements include but aren't limited to:


Disclaimer, I hate BuiSlop, and I when Ass Creed Shadows flops, I'll say "good riddance".

On the other hand, am I the only one who just can't give a shit about this? Let me explain. I think that the Half Torii gate thing, is bad, and it was very ignorant of them to do that (among other similar controversies). Now... It is completely fair to criticize UbiSlop about the fact that they made the interiors of a shrine destructible, yes it was idiotic of them to do that. That being said...

The game doesn't force you to do any of that, you don't HAVE to shoot arrows at NPCs or go into the shrine at all. This, to me at least, comes across as absolute limp-dick bitching.

Not to mention, Japan should be the LAST country crying about disrespecting one's religion, when almost every single fantasy anime or light novel takes shots (with the IQ-level of a reddit atheist) at Christianity. Japanese mangakas, and novelists have absolutely zero respect towards Christianity, they parody, "criticize" and fetishize it left and right, and when someone actually dares to talk about this, they default to "muh freedom of expression". But when a random game does some stupid shit like put destructible parts into a shrine in a video game, that the player isn't even needed to approach, soddenly it's "how dare you". And I'm saying this as someone who is not religious.

Once again, fuck Ubisoft, and fuck AC shadows, but this just ain't it.