Why taking ART is DIGGING your OWN Grave (All in one GCSE Art Post)


[ ⚠️ This is my personal opinion so those individuals pumping out 9s on this subject, wow hi ]

[ ⚠️ IF YOU HAVEN'T PICKED YOUR GCSE CHOICES YET - I'm not telling you to not pick art, if you want to consider art then do it; you're free to do anything!!!!!! ]

[ ⚠️ "wow dude u just suck at art stop complaining" - ok but that's not exactly the case here ]

[ ⚠️ I'm not hating on any aspect or literally anything - these are all my opinions fellas 😭 ]

Ok enough with the disclaimers, now uh Art.

(I'm specifically gonna be talking about FINE ART but i think this does apply to other art options since there isn't much of a difference)

This is coming from a guy who isn't necessarily 'bad' at art, I'm just average. Well IMO nobody sucks at Art, it's all a matter of how much TIME you spend on an art piece.

  1. First of all, they don't tell you the REAL AIM of the subject (what I've seen so far). For example; In maths your aim is to get the questions correct - very simple right.

---> In sciences; you must explain a real reason of why something happens; a logical method to get full marks on a particular question.

👉 However, in Art;- It's kind of unclear. Art is subjective. So for such a subject: The teachers SHOULD be explicitly telling you about how to achieve the top marks from the 1st day. Like what is a "high quality drawing" in their perspective, is it realism? or should it be more meaningful?

Now you might argue that "high quality drawings" is common sense but high quality can also be achieved from so many ways, I understand that putting time and effort is a big factor here but atleast be clear that art wants you to follow realism.

👉👉 AND THEY NEVER WARNED ABOUT DECORATING ART PAGES From the 1st day, they told me that so late into the year. Which had a big impact because decorating art pages doesn't get you any marks and wastes your time.

👉👉👉 Why did i decorate my art pages in the first place then? - Being misled because the art teachers show you tons of examples of grade 9 art books and all of them have their pages decorated, so It got me thinking that it's also about decorating and presenting your pages. Not knowing it won't get me any marks.

  1. It is a HUGE Time Demanding subject

---> if you're picking other GCSEs like triple science or history, art is gonna be a heavy load on you because already it takes WAY TOO MUCH time and it requires you to be consistently drawing. If you procrastinate in Art, you'll get cooked because you can't 'cram' it. Well you kind of can cram it (the days before you have to submit your art book for the teacher to mark) it but lets be honest; you wouldn't have so much time to spend on an art piece and it wouldn't be so "high quality".

---> I'm lazy and I procrastinate alot, however not to the highest degree because I do revise and get 7s or above for my other subjects and I guess Art requires lots of commitment & dedication :/

  1. Pre GCSEs (Year 9, 8, 7) kinda lure you into the trap of picking the subject...

---> If the teachers have to be so realistic on giving marks for ART GCSE, why aren't they so realistic about it in year 9 or before? I was getting 7s and 8s on the teacher reports before GCSEs and hey now im sitting on a 4 for this subject.

If the demands for this subject are really high, why do they not lower the grade boundaries then?

Art is really frustrating because you spend so much time and in the end get a low grade (well thats the case with me) + literally it's like one of my gcses is fixed to get a 4.

Also a question, do you guys reckon the teachers intentionally give you a lower grade for ART so you are forced to keep doing better and get a higher grade when marked by examiners?