How HARD is it really to get a 9?
This is a genuine question. I've never gotten a 9, not in any of my 3 rounds of mocks.
I've gotten 8s and 7s, but never 9s. How hard is it really to get a 9 actually.
getting 8s feels like getting edged bro.
is it that some people are just not meant to get a grade 9.
I've done LOTS of revision, tutor sessions, notes, then pulling all nighters too, used so many different revision techniques and did LOTS OF PAST PAPERS as well.
I don't know what's wrong with me then, it's like I'm always 7 marks away from a 9 if i get an 8 (well obviously) but there's always something I'll get wrong even if I revise.
I know grade 9 means MASTERING a subject but how can it be done efficiently?
What does then getting a grade 9 really require? After all the revision, what can you do in the end to push your revision to a potential 9?
Does getting a 9 require MORE TIME than anything? is it really sooo much dedication which gets you a 9?
Bro I know I can't revise like someone too insane otherwise I'm gonna burnout 😭🙏
Asking this before GCSES to see a grade 9 in my life (possibly)