Year 11 good looking smart

Year 11 good looking smart

I always thought I was smart but I have being told by this group thst I’m dum. But I know I’m smart. Yes I’m in set 12 but does that matter. No I’m like Steven hawking a genius. Yes we have teachers sit with us in lessons but it’s just to make sure that we do work not because we can’t do it the works not hard at all. Im going to get all grades 9s your all just jelous I’m a genius . All of you r dum yes I have to do exams in a separate room and yes o get 50 percent extra time but it’s just to make sure we do the exam yes we get a laptop and a reader but the laptop is to watch videos and the reader is to annoy the teachers by making them read fir us and look what I got on my maths higher moc paoer without trying. Look how good I look.