Why does everyone think I’m dum
Ok so I’m in year 11 for my maths mocks results back these are shown in this post. Do I’m in set 12 English maths and science that is sadly bottom set. If your in bottom set everything like me and 3 other people you get 50 percent extra time a reader and a laptop or a scribe I get a laptop. We also do it in a separate room. Recently I got the 5 highest in my maths class sadly there only 5 people in my class tho Whats annoying tho is the highest got only 4 more than me in total asf my teacher said my scores where good fur me .As well as this my predicted grades are not terrible most of them arnt u s I’m predicted a 3 in English lit and 2 in English lang a 1 in maths abd a u in sience. Be honest do you think I’m dum because I’m sick of people saying it with no evidence.