Tips for year 11s in science
I started year 11 asking for advice on Reddit, and I’m almost positive I wouldn’t have gotten a 9-9 if it wasn’t for this one person who saved me and told me to just memorise the science specification and do practice questions. Specifically using anki, (free on desktop). in September-October I discovered the cognito website which I’d also recommend for a casual brush up on some topics. Whilst everyone says to use free science lessons for an easy 9, yes he is helpful but I feel like he doesn’t go as in depth compared to a cgp book, but he does cover the full specification- which I used when the spec got too wordy sometimes! So what I’d say is use the September-October period testing out which YouTubers you like, which studying methods you like, and testing out if textbooks are your thing or not. And most importantly make studying fun! I used to watch anime, YouTube and Netflix whilst studying! For reference- I got 999987755 and at the end of year 10 I got 776555543
Feel free to dm me if u need even more details,