How do Toppers do it ? Need Advice

From what I've understood, almost all the gate cse toppers made proper notes of the topics in the syllabus from lectures, some portion of standard textbooks and pyqs, solved the pyqs atleast twice and referred to GO solutions of pyqs ( the website). Made shortened versions of their notes Gave mocks later and improved by making notes of their mistakes and trying their best to not repeat them. I believe this process will take atleast one year that also if you put in atleast 3-4 hours a day, doing 20-30 questions each day, but some people started their prep in August and still managed to fetch a rank?

Also can someone clarify : will just doing gate pyqs ( reading solutions on gate overflow, watching video solutions, and making notes of it) from the GO pdf enough for getting a 3-digit rank?

I mean I was able to do almost 70% of DBMS by just following this strategy but for COA, DLD, CN,etc I'm stuck. I think going through a playlist, making some notes of it and then doing pyqs would do more justice.

Can any topper verify if what I'm doing is ok or will it just waste more time as I don't have connectivity in the concepts yet. Is it better to refer to pyq playlists or do it in the order put in the GO pdf ?

I started prep seriously in September beginning and thought to complete all pyqs by October and start mocks in November as entire January I have Sem exams. But my strategy is failing me, I've just done some portion of DBMS pyqs. Are pyqs meant to be solved after knowing the entire concept or is it okay to build the concept using the pyq. Since I don't have enough time, I just want to focus on pyqs but also have some sort of connectivity in my concepts.

Please give some advice that may help me and many other students who have the same doubt :)

PS : Also, most people here are saying that GO mocks are the best, but I brought ME test series already. Can I rely on ME mocks only? There's another group of people who said that ME mocks are closest to the actual gate cs paper.