Unpopular Opinion & Ranks!

I consider myself a $B veteran, Been a fan sense 2015 and really got into them heavy after Eternal Grey.

Anyways ..... SSATS > IWTDINO

Don't get me wrong there are some bangers on the IWTDINO but the album doesn't to it for me like SSATS does.

Here's my list of their albums ranked and fav song off the album, tell me what you all think. These are not my favorite songs ranked, just if I had to pick one off of my favorite albums as a whole. (No KYS SAGAS included, even though they are all fantastic.)

My $B playlist is 266 songs long this was HARD. Anyways, G*59 To The Grave!

  1. Eternal Grey - I Want To Believe
  2. . My Liver Will Handle What My Heart Cant - Vincent Van Gogh Ain't Got Shit On Me
  3. Grey Sheep II - Aokigahara
  4. YungDeathLilLife - All My Life I've Wanted A Chevy
  5. Stop Starring At The Shadows - I Wanna Be Romanticized
  6. Dark Side Of The Clouds - Praisethedevil
  7. Black $uicide (All Sides) - It's About A 6 Hour Drive
  8. Grey Sheep - Let 'Em Burn
  9. DirtyNasty$uicide - Not Much To Look At
  10. Now The Moon's Rising - Dejection
  11. High Tide In The Snakes Nest - Exodus
  12. DirtierNastier$uicide - Treat Em' Like A Prostitute
  13. Radical $uicide - Goosebumps
  14. 7th Or St. Tammany - Romulus
  15. G.R.E.Y.G.O.D.S II - Grey Magic
  16. G.R.E.Y.G.O.D.S - 6 6 6 FOREVER
  17. $outh $ide $uicide - Runnin' Thru The 7th With My Woadies
  18. I Want To Die In New Orleans - I No Longer Fear The Razor Guarding My Heel IV
  19. Live Fast Die Whenever - Killing 2 Birds With 22 Stones
  20. Gray/Grey - Behold A Pale Horse