The Hans Sama is bad narrative is retarded.
This guy is either the best or 2nd best player of G2 after Yike and I will die on that hill.
I just find it so fucking crazy waking up today and every thread is acting like Hans ran it and all blame is on him;
Hans is a World Class ADC but his teamfighting isn't as good as your Ruler/Viper and he is as good as the rest ; the only reason Hans looks worse is cause his team sells him every single time
I haven't missed a single G2 game and consistently through this year Hans Sama has been G2's best player yet consistently his team doesn't play for him AT ALL when it matters
yes they path to his lane cause he is the most reliable laner and best win condition but after laning and when it comes to teamfight and skirmishes BB/Yike simply don't peel for this guy ; probably because they pick perma carries and try to dive the backline but why play carries on Hans then ? just put him on Ashe/Ezreal and have him play utility if ur on the BB carry basket (which will never work)
This MSI is too crazy cause we see firsthand how hard can players like Elk/Guma/Peyz could miss-position or int and their team will hard peel for them meanwhile in every single fight Hans is left alone on Jinx and he has to somehow outplay everyone coming at him (even in that last series it's so commical that even the casters mention it that BLG peels for Elk consistently but Hans is alone)
I think the perfect game that describe what I'm saying is the Astralis Lider Irelia game, G2 literally has 1 carry and that's Hans' cait , they have range advantage over AST and have a lead; all they need to do is peel Hans and he will kill everyone; now guess what BB Kled;Yike J4;Caps Malph do with their ults this entire game ?
Tl'dr : Hans is getting unfairly criticized , it's G2 playing bad around him in fights and it's mainly cause they perma pick carries top side while picking carries Bot side (or maybe it could work if they both pick carries but actually peel for him idk) . Also idk if any1 wants to hear this but G2 players performance in MSI : Yike > Hans > Mikyx > BB > Caps