Suits for kids?

Hi, my kid (9 autistic female) is really interested in fur suits and the furry community and we’ve managed to satisfy her curiosity with headbands, fluffy paw gloves and clip on tails. She dresses her avatars in furry gear and plays a load of games online that are furry friendly.

At the minute- She’s really getting into collecting Inspo pics of robotic animal type furries (sorry I know there is a term but I’m not sure which one and I’m new to the whole scene but we’re finding out stuff together so it’s kind of cool.)

she really likes dragons and crocodiles and I’m not sure what she would want to wear to represent this as a fursona? I might be looking at masks/ helmets? Scale based tails?

My main concern is how common it is for pre teen kids to get into the furry community and if I should maybe encourage her to wait till she’s older/ till I’ve been able to get more info? I’ve always seen the community as a way to express creativity and appreciate that there will be more adult based niches and context to some areas. Everything she’s been exposed to so far has been very kid friendly.

Is there anything I should look for specifically that you’d recommend fur suit wise (and community if possible) that’s maybe not suitable for her age range? Just to give me a heads up.