[22] [GM/M4F/F playing Futa] [Casual] [Telegram/Discord/Kik] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ruby Rescue Team!
Now, before you ask, yes this version isn’t generation exclusive and its not featuring Hoenn only pokemon, just a title
Evening! I am super interested in gm’ing a pokemon mystery dungeon feral/non-anthro type roleplay where you pick your starter pokemon and we begin our adventure going off along the plotline of Mystery Dungeon DX/Original Games but with obviously a few twists and changes to keep things progressing and interesting
It’ll be heavy smut where it counts but most progression and dialogue will be sfw, although ill try to gm each NPC’s personalities! Therefore if you really want that Milf Kangaskhan to ScratchYourItch spontaneously, why, a mommy would be glad to help her precious child’s needs!
I intend for this to be long term but with casual waiting times on replies as i assume you have a life off of reddit and i certainly do
To get started: - ASL, for an idea of whether youre ghosting me or its nighttime in your country XD
choose your starter pokemon! (Any 1st-stage pre-evolution will do, canonically evolution is bugged and no one knows why they cant evolve. Examples are pichu, igglybuff, budew, aron, riolu. Ill be playing as Poochyena.)
Give me a rescue team name idea!
and give me a short paragraph about how you would react if you woke up in the pokemon world as a human, with no idea what continent you were on, how to get by with no human facilities and so on, although a friendly Poochyena keeps nudging you to ask if you’re awake
My kik is Aftenshnoshnikr Discord is Aftenshnoshnikr7#5500 Telegram is Aftenshnoshnikr7