ADVICE NEEDED Head gasket blown on a 2006 Honda Civic

Hello, so me and my little sister got a car for her in April 2024, which was a 2006 Honda Civic. We looked at plenty of cars before we got this one. We found it on Facebook marketplace and paid $3800.

It ran really well and everything, and worked perfectly up until November 2024, and the head gasket blew.. A quote we got from my mechanic was $2800 to fix, but that was a rough estimate and he doesn't fix head gaskets. Is it worth just trading it in and finding another better used car, or should we try and get it fixed?

Everything else on the car works, and when we got it, it drove really smoothly. I thought it was a perfect fit for her. She's been pretty stressed out and realllly needs a car. She's 18 years old, and a college student/ commuter so it's been pretty hard on her to get around without a car. Any advice?