I didn't believe it. People are using Buy now Pay later for groceries.

I saw some articles, I assumed it was clickbait. But...I was curious. No I didn't download the app. I didn't do it. I am not lying. But my first thought is people do not understand math. People do not read the fine print. If you have to feed kids and you are broke, I am certain, if offered. No credit check. I am certain people are using Buy Now Pay Later for Groceries.

A quick google searched returned zip Dot co

I do not know if I am allowed to post the link.

Zip can only be used for US purchases. Certain merchant, product, goods, and service restrictions apply. For example, for a $335 purchase, you’d make four $85.25 payments every two weeks starting today for a 31.11% annual percentage rate and a total of payments of $341. A $6 installment fee is charged at commencement - you pay $1.50 of this fee as a prepaid finance charge when you make your initial payment today. The remaining $4.50 is included in your future payments. Actual installment fees vary and can range from $0 to $7.50 depending on the purchase price and Zip product used. Actual amount of fee for your purchase will be reflected in checkout. Estimation of installment payment and annual percentage rate excludes potential tax and shipping costs. Zip Pay Anywhere and Zip Checkout financing through Zip issued by WebBank, except for Zip-originated loans in CO, NV, MA, and MD. All loans are subject to credit approval.

tl;dr People are paying 31% interest on Buy Now Pay Later for Groceries. Do not fall for this. Do not use Buy Now Pay Later. Ever.