elsa and the “need” for romance

A little side rant but it is very exhausting to see the excessive amounts of people wanting to know the sexuality of elsa. I feel this usually happens to only female characters. there is the overwhelming obligation that the only way a woman could be happy is to be in a relationship. I hope for the sake of elsa’s character she isn’t forced into that role. what i’ve enjoyed for frozen is a powerful woman whom loves herself and is capable of more than romance. i do feel there is a balance of romance and female power. (btw this isn’t targeted towards ship. ships have and always will be a thing, I REPEAT I DONT CARE ABOUT IT SHIPS OR WHAT U SHIP I AM ONLY SPEAKING OF CANON). the back and forth is usually exhausting, especially with the overwhelming ‘need’ to make things that don’t matter canon. elsa being alone and happy with the love of her friends and family IS canon. why must we pressure female characters into this box of romance.

probably a bit dramatic but i truly love this character and i feel it is very important to know people can be alone and happy. “yes im alone but im alone and free”. the ending of frozen 2 makes that ending so perfect. elsa being one with nature and her abilities.

p.s. before anything i would like to say. many women (INCLUDING ANNA) are independent and have love. i’m not starting the argument of love takes away that independence. i’m merely asking the question why do people see an independent woman content with being alone and automatically want her to be in a romantic relationship. Elsa has ice powers, rules an enchanted forest which she protects and has the love of her friends and family. She embraces freedom where in there would it make sense to immediately align her with a romantic partner other than to please certain viewers

just a thought