What I liked and disliked this season

First off I just want to say that I don't remember details of S1 and S2 - they were a long time ago. But I can properly remember the negative backlash S2 got so seeing people who really enjoyed S3 (I'm one of them) feels like a good step towards getting back to form...or 'from' :p.

What I didn't like:

-I wanted to view Tabitha in the outside world with good cinematography figuring whatever she can out. Her return wasn't that bad a choice, but I was excited about watching the alternative. I didn't really 'feel' the outside world in the limited time the show took place there.

-Set up and hyping up things like burning down or catching monsters only to not have them happen

-A lot of filler-ish conversations that don't add to character development, dynamics or plot progression that much. Make it 13 episodes, turn the pace up, and add depth to the characters.

-Kenny not giving as much of a fuck or getting enough screentime after losing his Mom in context to everything that already happened to him. Ellis' character is underdeveloped or stagnant too. -Cutting between scenes a bit too much.

What I loved:

Everything else! But I'll try to listen a few down randomly...

-Boyd is a fantastic character and is acted incredibly well.

-Equally awesome, are Jade, Randall and Victor. Julie has an interesting story arc and is acted very well too.

-I love the scenes with Victor's father, may it be with Victor himself or anyone else.

-The show has a distinct visual style that suits it perfectly.

-The show manages to hook you very well, leaving a decent experience even with random mysteries

-Jade's dialogue in the finale, basically reverberating what people have been saying on reddit since ages.

-Mentioning Randall again because his character has so much potential and they can do so much with him.

-The premise of the show in general is awesome.

Now, a few questions about S2:

• What happened to people dying in their dreams and in real life?

• They had teased bile bullets that could kill monsters but just kicked the idea to the curb right? Or was it a shocking reveal done well?

Conclusion: It was a step up and I really enjoyed the season. They could make the episodes faster-paced, include backstories with a different visual style, enrich the dialogue and increase the episode count - making it even better. That's just my 2-unecessarily long and stupid-cents.

EDIT: Wtf analytics show 31k views and 21 link shares. How come??