How I think fromville works

Based on all the visions Jade has had and the paintings Miranda made the earliest we know the town can be dated back to is civil war times, so the 1860s. There was some event that must have drove the original town people to think they needed to sacrifice their children. Something like malaria, typhoid, cholera or tuberculosis that they mistook for divine punishment or something they didn’t know a cure for. A long comes the man in yellow to offer them a cure if they sacrifice their children. I don’t think the original towns people did it begrudgingly though based on the story victor tells of how the boy in white tried to warn Christoper of the past and how the parents filled their kids with hope before sacrificing them and I don’t think they’d do that if they didn’t have empathy. This sacrifice gave the man in yellow the power to create the void the town is in and make the original towns people get to live forever but stuck inside the void as his servants. The sacrifice was able to help create the void but not enough to sustain it. The void needs to constantly feed on fear and anguish. That’s why it sucks in lost travelers. And as long as the void is fueled the man in yellow stays powerful. For about a century I think this worked. People wondering around the woods or traveling by wagon from town to town would get sucked into the void. They stay in the original town. Which I think is the wood cabins Jim and Kenny find in season 3 because it’s near where the sacrificial stones were, had food growing near it and totems to ward off the monsters. This probably worked for about a century until 1950s when the US developed the current highway system. People weren’t traveling like they used to. Cars were more prevalent, so the man in yellow built the new town and that’s why buildings and monsters clothes are 50s themed. Except this time he built layers to the town. The town itself is the safest place. We know this because when Boyd gets out of the chimney the man in chains tells him he use to think the town was the worst part and there was something that drug Boyd and Sarah to the spider tree, something walked around outside the old cabins and the man in chains said to leave before “they get back”. They being plural means he wasn’t referring to the man in yellow but other things. We also know there’s something scarier than the monsters in town because when the music box was playing when Boyd, Jim, Donna, and Randal were in the rv trying to test the silver bullets the monsters just stoped. As I think Boyd said at the time “they don’t just stop”. We also know that the further you go out the scarier things are because that’s where the spider web was. See Boyd and Sara camped in a tent that could be dragged but Jim and Kenny didn’t because they were in solid cabins but heard something out side. So what ever was out side probably dragged Boyd and Sarah way far out. The cabins are a day walk from town spider tree is further than that and no one has traveled more than a days walk from town except tabby when she went through the tree to the lighthouse. Boyd and Sarah are able to see the lighthouse from a long distance after a days walk and a night drag into the forest. So for the towns people to get to the lighthouse they’ll have to travel a few days through the forest to get there and face who knows what out there.

However, between the kids dying filled with hope and the 2 parents that probably died trying to save the children the void wasn’t built like the inescapable prison the man in yellow meant for it to be. The 2 parents, Jade and tabby, souls got to live forever through reincarnation and the kids are able to pull them inside the void to try and help them until they escape. Hope, the enemy of fear, was built in the foundation of the void. So why I think the man in yellow pulls people in the void to torture I think the children or the boy in white pull people in who almost personify hope thinking that they might help Jade and tabby save them. These hopeful people uplift the rest of the residents. There isn’t as much fear going around. That’s why the man in yellow locks people in that room where the music box was first playing. It provides the void with the minimum amount of perpetual torment it needs. When Boyd released Julie, Randal and Mari and smashed the music box it cut of a main fuel source of fear for the void so now it’s trying to push the resident to go further into the woods because they have gotten too hopeful and safe in town. It needs more fear and the monsters deeper into the woods can illicit that fear. Whenever hope gets too strong the void reacts aggressively like a white blood cell fighting off disease. Like when the radio was built it need to squash hope so it sent a storm. They killed a monster it impregnated Fatima. Sarah and Elgin were inherently good so it had to break them. Boyd declares he can’t be broken so the monsters murdered tian chin in front of him. Killing Boyd wouldn’t be the same as killing the hope represents so it has to break him first. Having Elgin kidnap Fatima almost did it. That’s why father Khatri appeared to him. He wanted to stop Boyd from breaking. Thankfully Sara said “hold my beer” and did it so Boyd didn’t have to. Boyd is the embodiment of hope. I also think the void doesn’t like people dying with hope because those that do don’t really die. For example Boyd is able to see father khatri because he died still praying. Never giving up faith. Even though he knew he had more to do. That just happened to be guiding Boyd from the grave. Tom the bartender philosopher is another example. He died trying to help dig out tabby but the place didn’t break him so now he’s helping Jade. The souls of those who die unbroken stay in the void and when the children get freed everyone who died unbroken will be freed as-well. Further proof of this is when people hear voices they are lying to them like they lied to Sara and Elgin and try to get them to do the wrong thing like when Boyd saw Abby and she tried to convince him to give and not break the music box. Abby gave up hope so the void has control of her soul unlike Tom and father khatri. It’s like Sara said in the season 3 finale she’s already given this place her soul but she won’t let it take Boyd’s.

The mind games the void plays on people trying to break them is also why the residents don’t communicate like everyone complains about. It makes the residents not trust what they see or heard and when they try to describe what they see and hear they sound crazy. Boyd tried to tell people about the worms in his skin and Kenny almost shot him in the head. Jim wanted to talk about the voice on the radio and Donna shut him down. Jade tried to talk about the symbol and no one gave him the time of day. Victor repressed so much over the years when he tries to explain things he doesn’t even know how to describe it. Elgin was convinced he was talking to an angel and could tell anyone. By the end of season 3 groups were starting to work together and solve things but that was an obstacle the void setup they had to overcome. I think in season 3 they did that.

My last theory that is not as well thought out is Donna is actually evil and tampers with escape attempts. She always wants to keep people calm. Doesn’t want to get hope up. She didn’t want Jim to tell people about the voice on the radio. When they were building the radio she said she didn’t want to get people hope up. The void doesn’t like hope. When Boyd killed smiley she some how knew to come to the clinic for “aspirin” and then insisted they burn him immediately. When Boyd had Ellis keep Elgin at colony house so he could interrogate Elgin Donna some how knew to leave Acosta in the woods and come back. She also is never the one going out on missions and somehow the man in yellow always knows what going on in town like he has someone on the inside. I know she’s done some good but it could be to keep her cover and cause chaos. Probably not true but there’s something I don’t trust about her.

That’s all my take aways after my second binge watch. Sorry it’s so long. Let me know where I might be wrong.