Hateful character vs Bad written character
I want to express my opinion about how much I hate the female cop Acosta after this episode. I used to defend her since she had no guilty killing that girl from colony house. Everyone knows you have to lay down during a firing. And it was her first night she knew nothing about the place. And everyone treating her bad was wrong.
But now I can't defend her anymore. The way she talked and the things she said to Boyd are just unacceptable. He is the guy who brought order to that place. Before him people used to die every night. And although I defend her in the events of her first night I can also agree with Boyd that she isn't ready to carry a loaded gun around. Actually he shouldn't even have her an unloaded gun and showing her his hidden place.
But now I'm here to talk with you about the difference of a character made to be hated and one that is just bad written. Randall is the perfect example of a GOOD character that was made to be hated. His personality goes completely in conflict of accepting situations and live passively. He took a long time to really understand and believe everything happening around him was real and until now he has some doubts and doesn't accept the way they are all living. But he did that while feeling so real. We can relate real world people being like him.
On the other hand there is Acosta which is pretty much the female version of Randall. Except everything about her is forced. Don't get me wrong this has nothing to do with acting. Is just the plot makes no sense. What they did to her first night to make her hateful didn't worked so it seems they had to improvise her this episode to be hateful. It felt so unnatural how she suddenly went from victimized mentality where everyone blamed her about she killing a beloved person to the town by now being this asshole saying shit about everyone.
We should start making ranking lists of characters to expose all those bad written ones.
I want to express my opinion about how much I hate the female cop Acosta after this episode. I used to defend her since she had no guilty killing that girl from colony house. Everyone knows you have to lay down during a firing. And it was her first night she knew nothing about the place. And everyone treating her bad was wrong.
But now I can't defend her anymore. The way she talked and the things she said to Boyd are just unacceptable. He is the guy who brought order to that place. Before him people used to die every night. And although I defend her in the events of her first night I can also agree with Boyd that she isn't ready to carry a loaded gun around. Actually he shouldn't even have her an unloaded gun and showing her his hidden place.
But now I'm here to talk with you about the difference of a character made to be hated and one that is just bad written. Randall is the perfect example of a GOOD character that was made to be hated. His personality goes completely in conflict of accepting situations and live passively. He took a long time to really understand and believe everything happening around him was real and until now he has some doubts and doesn't accept the way they are all living. But he did that while feeling so real. We can relate real world people being like him.
On the other hand there is Acosta which is pretty much the female version of Randall. Except everything about her is forced. Don't get me wrong this has nothing to do with acting. Is just the plot makes no sense. What they did to her first night to make her hateful didn't worked so it seems they had to improvise her this episode to be hateful. It felt so unnatural how she suddenly went from victimized mentality where everyone blamed her about she killing a beloved person to the town by now being this asshole saying shit about everyone.
We should start making ranking lists of characters to expose all those bad written ones.