Friend won’t resolve conflict over something I didn’t do?

Long story short, one of my a-hole friends thought it’d be funny to dm a close friend I have at work saying that I was trying to “hit” as a joke when I never said anything like that or hinted to either of them, as she already has a boyfriend currently.

Initially after she was ok and told me I was worrying more than she was, but after a few days and me trying to have normal convos, she told me she needed space to process. Days later she texts me that she doesn’t need stuff like this and that I should keep distance?

We’ve been friends for over half a year now and would consider us pretty close talking and texting a lot, and frankly I’m a bit lost as to why she changed her mind. I’ve tried to initiate communication to resolve this but she just doesn’t want to. Yes what my friend did was shitty and wrong but it was just a crappy joke and it wasn’t even me and I had nothing to do with it.

Need help with next steps. Ive expressed my concern with her lack of willingness to talk and told her that I’ve enjoyed our friendship and hope to resume it when she’s ready. I want to respect her wish to keep distance but if we just had an honest and frank conversation I feel like this could just be easily resolved.