Are my friends worth it?

Lately my friends leave me last. I’m the last to find out about plans and other things. We still hangout every weekend but I just feel like I’m last in the totem poll and like they consider me in things.

I have a groupchat with 2 other friends and when I asked if they had arrived at our other friends house they didn’t respond at all.(2-3 hours passed) I arrived and they pretend like I didn’t even say anything in the chat. ( this is not the first time)

I feel bad because I’m always picking them up, and also making plans and when it comes time for them to make plans I’m last to find out or they don’t even consider me sometimes. I find out they’re out because of Instagram stories and things of that nature. ( they go and do thing like hike, eat, or other things, but we live 5 mins away from each other and I still don’t get a message)

What’s crazy is that they reply to other friends asap. I know because I see when I’m there when they do. I don’t know if I’m not on that tier or something but we’ve all been friends for 8 years already

Right now we’re hanging out and I’ve been quiet and they don’t even make an effort to ask what’s wrong or to talk to me.

I’m usually messing around and talking so it’s a little weird for me to be quiet and they still don’t say a thing.

Maybe I’m overthinking this whole thing.

I appreciate any advice or comment.
