Start-Up Brokerage Won’t Make Necessary Hires

I joined a start-up brokerage a little over a year ago making $65,000 salary (no draw) and 20% commission on gross profit of accounts I bring in. I’ve been doing $60,000+ a month GP for the last 9 months on 30% margins handling every aspect of the shipments, yet my company refuses to hire help to cover loads, check call, etc. I currently leave another $40,000 GP on the table each month because I don’t have the time or sanity to handle all the freight my customers offer me each month by myself.

I’ve pleaded for months for help on the carrier side for my accounts, but they’ve hired 8 sales reps, all of which were fired for not bringing on any customers. I’ve explained how my customers are huge names in the industry and they are willing to put me in touch with their customers for more freight but my time has to be freed up to prospect. They’ve refused my request for equity, help, or a raise. My accounts are 80% of the entire companies gross profit. At what point do I just take all my accounts and bounce?