PSA: don’t share anything. Banned from EVERYTHING for 8,000 years, first offense

I shared no free candy, no General Lee, no profanity or 420. Just a couple of anime/comic characters. We are talking clothed characters. Literally more modest than magazine covers in stores or posters at Walmart.

I got no warning, no 7-day or 30-day ban. I have NEVER had a ban on ANY game… ever. The first indication something was wrong was when I went to post a car on auction right after hitting legendary painter status. BAM! Gamer tag has been banned. But not just from auction or sharing liveries. I’m banned from EVERY SINGLE KINDA-ONLINE FEATURE IN THE GAME. I cant even spend FORZATHON points. Festival playlists are impossible to complete because to get enough points, you have to race online.

I know you have no reason to trust I’m being honest, but I’m not the only one either. If you browse the Anime section on vinyl groups lots of names are missing. Just cross reference 3,000 layers/anime/character on FH4 and FH5. I assure you those bigger names had designs posted on FH5 but are now gone. Should also give you an idea of level of designs that are now not allowed. I wrote a couple of the bigger painters from Horizon 4 and they got the same ban as me.

I’m super disappointed since I bought premium edition, but my fate is sealed. There exists no appeals process and no way to know what specifically triggered it. I just wanted to warn you all that the standards have changed. I’m not sure if there’s a new culture on the enforcement team, it’s a rogue agent, or Microsoft is cracking down due to the game’s success, but if I had it to do over, I wouldn’t be sharing ANY designs.

I’m banned for 69934592h until 12/31/9999. See you guys in a few thousand years or when Forza Motorsport 8 drops… whichever comes first.

Edit with ban screenshot showing proof of first offense permanent-ban from all features. Note that the reason is the catch-all report reason. Meaning if you report something for having “inappropriate” characters, that’s what it falls under. I did NOT create the types of things this implies.

Edit 2: everyone wants to see the designs that got me banned. I don’t know which one was deemed so offensive that I can’t play online till the year 10,000AD, but here’s a sample of my work. Is some of it a bit edgy? Sure. Is it permanent-ban on the first offense edgy? You decide.

Edit 3: child accounts on Xbox cannot see user generated content by default. A parent has to log into the parental controls and enable user generated content manually before a child can see custom liveries.

Edit 4: I really don’t need to hear how you’re all letting 7 year olds play online games with no supervision. I’m not even disagreeing with you. I don’t expect to get it overturned nor am I trying. I only wanted to let people know that the standard of what is acceptable has changed and not to expect a warning.

Edit 5: Thanks mods for marking this NSFW instead of just deleting it And banning me. You’re doing better than the in-game moderators!

Final edit (hopefully): I honestly had no idea this would blow up like this. I really just wanted to help others. I got news that I lost a close family member a few minutes after making this post. Whether you agree with me, disagree with me, praised me, called me a liar, or blamed me… I just wanted to say I appreciate all the comments. This has been the most welcome distraction I could ever hope for. I’m going to make an attempt to actually process the events of this morning so I may not be responding to comments or questions for a while, but really thank you.