Overwhelmed FTM

Hi everyone! I’m a soon-to-be FTM ready to welcome my little girl in 3 weeks. In an effort to get ready, I decided to tackle bottles today, and I am completely overwhelmed. 😭

We have 6 different types of bottles that came in various sample boxes, and each one has so many little parts. Our plan right now is to try them all, and then whichever one our girl likes, get 12 more of that, so everything matches/becomes interchangeable.

We have a two story house, with the nursery downstairs. We were gifted a Baby Brezza Pro Advanced, so the plan was to use that for bottles at night, then make bottles upstairs by hand during the day. We were also gifted a bottle drying mat, bottle brush set, and dishwasher basket.

I’m kind of flipping out because I have no idea how best to wash the bottles, dry them, and store them. We have a small kitchen with very limited counter space, so I don’t know what to get for storage that has a minimal footprint. We got some bathroom storage containers (https://www.target.com/p/all-purpose-2-drawer-storage-clear-brightroom-8482/-/A-87646825) from Target that were recommended, but because they’re so big, we’re just planning to use that for the nursery.

My questions are: 1. Should we plan to wash the bottles in the dishwasher (has a dry/sterilize feature but takes several hours) or should we plan to wash by hand and use the drying mat we were gifted? Or forgo all of that and use a counter top sterilizer/dryer?

  1. Should we store the bottles full assembled or as separate pieces? What type of storage container is best?

  2. Any other advice you have? I’m sure this will all become intuitive at some point, but I feel so overwhelmed I could cry at this point.

Thank you! ❤️