I have posted on here before with the story following my first borns journey with formula. When I made my initial post, I talked about symptoms he was having and symptoms he was not having as I was unsure if he had an allergy or not. Now, we have a whole new set of symptoms as he’s changed drastically since my last post. My son was diagnosed with laryngomalacia and silent reflux after he had what was thought to be a BRUE episode and stayed over night in the hospital. Now looking back, I am pretty sure he just aspirated his formula due to laying down and falling asleep right after a feed. With his silent reflux, he has terrible congestion during feeds and following his feeds as well. He spits up after every feed, even if it’s been 2 hours since he ate he spits up. Not a large amount but still spits up. Now, we have developed a sort of rash looking symptom on his cheeks, chin, chest and belly. It is the worst on his face and everyone else is very mild I’d say compared to what I see when I research CMPA rash. I’ve attached pictures of my LO’s rash. He is on a partially hydrolyzed formula already, Similac Pro Total Comfort.
Does this look/sound like it could be CMPA? I already have an appointment with his pediatrician for this, just wanted to get some insight as I am a nervous FTM. Open to any and all suggestions. Thank you.