For people with milk allergies, please check ingredients in "Non-Dairy" creamers please. They still contain milk. These are for Lactose Intolerance/Allergy.
I am not seeing anyone outwardly state this so I must.
NON DAIRY CREAMERS need to be checked for milk or milk derivatives!!
The amount of "non dairy" creamers with contains milk, Sodium Caseinate (milk derivative), and similar stuff is insane.
They are LACTOSE free, NOT DAIRY free. I even had one in the freezer once.
Why call themselves non dairy if they still use milk? Just use lactose free.
For anyone new to dairy allergies, anyone who buys these thinking they are safe, or something else, please check ingredients. This type of labeling is getting more popular.
That is all today. Stay safe and be careful. Look for other types of creamers.