One of my least favorite things about having allergies is having “safe”foods ripped away

You know the phrase “better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?”

…Yeah. This repeatedly happening makes me doubt that.

I have severe peanut and tree nut allergies to the point of cross-contamination being a serious risk, and this is something that’s happened to me repeatedly throughout my life.

One example is Ritas. As a kid, I absolutely loved Ritas, especially their Blendinis. But then they added Reeses Peanut butter cups as something that could be added to those, and so I could no longer have them. But at least I could still have their Italian ice!

…At least until they added a peanut butter flavored Italian ice, and then I couldn’t have that either. Now, whenever my family goes to Ritas, I can only ever get a vanilla or chocolate gelato because every other option is unsafe for me, even though I used to have many options when going there. 😭

Recently, they must have changed the factory where they produce dark chocolate Hershey Kisses, because they added a “made in the same facility” warning to those, too. I already can’t have much chocolate, so it stings to lose one of the few options I had.

The one that upsets me most is Krispy Kreme, though. I absolutely adored the chocolate glazed donuts they’d sell at grocery stores and gas stations. But then, one day, suddenly a “may contain nuts” warning was slapped on, and without warning, that was taken away from me.

It’s been maybe literally fifteen years since then and I’m still genuinely upset and salty about that because I haven’t found any other commonly-sold, safe alternative. Entenmann’s sells some donuts that I can have, but not the same type, and overall their stuff is just nearly not as good.

I dunno… I guess I just wanted to bitch about it. It’s already bad enough not being able to eat so much, but to a certain extent I’ve grown used to that? I can’t really grow used to them ripping stuff away from me, though, since I never know what it’ll be next.

I’m sure this is something a lot of ya’ll are tired of as well. I wish it would stop happening. Or, that, at the very least, if they’re going to keep doing it, they would at least add a warning to the FRONT of the box every time a product suddenly becomes allergy-unfriendly. Not everyone checks the back of the box every time, and I swear to god one of these days one of those abrupt changes is going to honest-to-god kill someone.

(P.S: While I’m here, does anyone know any nut-safe alternates to Krispy Kreme, actually? I want donuts so bad…)