What scaling you use? Do you change it often according to your use case?

Ive recently moved from a 17" laptop that ive been using since 2015 to a FlowX13 last year. Since I got it I insisted in using it with the 100% scaling option just because the bigger icons and everything makes it look like a toy. But now that I am writing my thesis in a static environment, the sharpness makes it reaally hard to type. Ive also found working in an environment like a train or a moving vehicle would generate similar strain pretty quickly

Ive recently changed it to 125% and it is fine to have the monitor a bit further away from my eyes and therefore decreasing the necesity of being on top of my laptop to be able to see anything.

So, I open this thread to see if anyone has similar experiences and/or hase some suggestions about the scaling of using this laptop as an actual laptop :)