Small filament gaps appearing in my prints
I've been having this issue with small gaps appearing randomly in my prints and haven't been able to determine the cause. This happens across multiple spools and colors, but I exclusively use Hatchbox brand PLA filament. This occurs on my Bambu Labs printers (both X1 and P1S), and across multiple different STLs.
I don't believe it is moisture related, but haven't completely ruled it out. I did try drying one spool, but it did not seem to fix the issue.
I do not have seam set to random, so it is not the seam causing it.
This happens across both BambuSlicer and OrcaSlicer prints. I do have a custom profile set based on calibration tests, but it is possible one of the settings like flow ratio needs additional tweaking.
Has anyone else run into this? Any advice on where to start troubleshooting?