Extruder turns alternately, wont spin and makes clicking sound

Ender 3 max extruder makes a tick tock sound while it "tries" to move forward and backward alternately but dosnt push filament in any direction, its not clogged, I removed filament, if i compress the extruder arm so it dosnt touch filament.... it clicks, i can spin the gear normally with my finger tho

I swapped the E and X cables and then moved E (now X) 10mm.... the X axis does the same thing, now hotend moves alternately left and right like 5mm and does a tick tock sound

and if I move X (now E) 10mm... the extruder motor spins normally....

So what happened? did the E driver died? every other component works as always, its summer here btw, I had some step skipping with other axis last years but just let the printer rest for the day and its fine, but this time it tries to move but its "stuck"