My girlfriends kid always goes fishing in this pound behind the house, I didn't think there was actually fish in it...

It dries up almost completely when it stops raining and the hole that is made for the water is basically never ever full and when it dries up it's almost completely dried up except for the maybe 35 diameter puddle around the fountain. I mean, it is small when it's small. So anyways I'd like to know what it is? He calls it his Elvis fish. He says it looks just like the fish he caught last two times. And... I think it might be the same fish every time, but that’s not bad is it?

It dries up almost completely when it stops raining and the hole that is made for the water is basically never ever full and when it dries up it's almost completely dried up except for the maybe 35 diameter puddle around the fountain. I mean, it is small when it's small. So anyways I'd like to know what it is? He calls it his Elvis fish. He says it looks just like the fish he caught last two times. And... I think it might be the same fish every time, but that’s not bad is it?