Supposed to close tomorrow...
About 75% of the outlets in the house were ungrounded and we had a repair addendum that the sellers agreed to. The addendum says "ELECTRIC OUTLETS TO BE PROPERLY GROUNDED AND GFCI OUTLETS INSTALLED NEAR SINK" Our intention was that the entire house would be grounded and just near the sink also needed GFCI. The seller's realtor is saying that it was unclear and that they only grounded the outlets next to the sink.
Our agent says that we can try to do a hold back of 15-20k(grounding would require wires to be run to most outlets because none have existing ground wires) The seller's realtor is being defensive and telling our realtor "they don't negotiate with lawyers" and is trying to get our agent to back down.
I have emailed my lawyer and haven't heard back yet but wanted to gauge the opinions of others. What would you understand that to mean? Would you still plan to close tomorrow?