The worst 2A youtuber has to be Armed Scholar

I know Armed Scholar has been mentioned a couple times in this sub and others but I feel we should keep talking about 2A youtubers who seem to have a style of constant lying and just misleading content. I think Armed Scholar of anyone is the worst. I discovered him on my discovery page about 6 months and it was one of the videos with the "No NFA tax stamps" thumbnails. I wasted 10 minutes of him talking about bills and appeals that weren't anywhere near being sent to congress. After that I browsed his page and it seemed then and still now, he has the same click baiting thumbnails and pure word salad videos. His videos are also filled with comments of people just shouting into the echo chamber about abolishing the ATF and complaining about how the NFA is unconstitutional, nothing truly contributing to the topic at hand. And the fact that he won a gundie award this year is beyond me. I don't understand how so many people are so blind to his deception.

In my view, Armed Scholar reminds me of the boy who cried wolf wolf so many times that people stopped running over to help him or trust him. And when a wolf actually showed up, and he cried wolf wolf when it mattered people stopped listening to him. I hope that enough of his subscribers and the gun community see this and stop listening to him.

The fact that he is peddling the same nothing burgers about suppressors and the NFA for over 2 years now from what I've observed from his channel just shows he has nothing to bring to the table. Unlike other channels like Washington Gun Law who I find to be much more informative about current gun legislation.