I just read volume 7
this was painful, seeing sun become the judah who enslaved him, just as agni became the doma who ignited him. the cycle of death and rebirth. the same things happening as the beginning of the manga, agni saving a group of desperate people and living with them and his "sister". agni having sex with judah.
and as soon as they finish, when he finally feels love, it is taken away.
it's hard to tell who is even the bad guy, i suppose it would be sun. but this is just how things have to be, and sun genuinely believes that agni is a god. and sacrificing one person to save humanity shouldn't be such a difficult decision.
after 10 whole years of agni living with the girls, he is 33, he is like a brother to them. and he watch a child that was made as a result of his destruction grow up. and eventually engulf him in the same flames as doma.
and he still holds onto his hate for doma. he still chooses to believe that luna would want that, but luna is dead.
his life was good for 10 years, he wore clothes, he ate good food, he smiled. but it was all an act
he couldn't be happy because of his regret and who he really is. it all eventually came back to bite him.
seeing sun become a dictator who kills those who oppose him is so polarizing as for most of the series he was just a kid.
he would think of agni as some sort of god to hold on to hope, but he knows deep down that it's all just an act and that agni isn't even on fire any more, but he still recites the fake bible that was written and believes that he was chosen. neneto having to watch sun become this monster is also difficult, she knows that this is wrong but she still goes along with it and plants the bombs.
agni is the villain. he is disgusting, he essentially had sex with his sister. at what point would you consider someone a sibling? and he caused all of this, he burnt down behemdorg, he killed everyone, he killed doma. and he couldn't even kill the person who started it. judah.
why should he live. why should he live for judah? why should he suffer.
i just want him to fucking die.
i need to reread this because this was heavy.