Version Update 2.2.0 Megathread

Please keep all discussion related to the newest update in this megathread! The sub tends to get flooded with the new information, so keeping everything in this megathread helps to keep the new channels clear.

Tap Battle Illusory Dungeon

  • Event starts February 9th, 12:00 AM MST
  • More information will be available when it releases.

Special Training Maps

  • Special Maps start on February 9th, 12:00 AM MST
  • The rotation is Melee, Ranged, Bows, Magic, and "The Workout" every 5 days.
  • Five different difficulty options, starting from level 5 to level 34.
  • Orbs and Blessings are given for the first clear!

Grand Hero Battle Rotation

  • Grand Hero Battle rotation starts February 9th, 12:00 AM MST
  • Monday is Narcian, Tuesday Navarre, Wednesday F!Robin, Thursday Ursula, Friday Lloyd, Saturday Michalis, and Sunday Xander.
  • Difficult Grand Hero Battle quests will be available to complete until February 8th, 2019, 12:00 AM MST
  • More information will be available when it releases.

Main Menu

  • Tempest Trials and Voting Gauntlet have been merged together into one big "Events" tab. The top left has an unknown popup for now.
  • A new gamemode has been hinted which is exclusive to Legendary Heroes and heroes with blessings conferred onto them. This will be released in March.

Weapon Refinery:


  • Wing Sword: 16 Might, 1 Range, Effective against cavalry and armored foes.


    • Effective against cavalry and armored foes. If unit’s Spd - foe’s Spd ≥ 1, unit gains Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (If using other similar skill, only highest value applied.)
    • 18 Might, Rng 1, HP +5
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Spd +3
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Def +4
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Res +4


  • Hinoka's Spear: 16 Might, 1 Range, Grants Atk/Spd +4 during combat if infantry or flying ally is within 2 spaces of unit.


    • Grants Atk/Spd +4 during combat if infantry or flying ally is within 2 spaces of unit. Infantry and flying allies within 2 spaces can move to a space adjacent to unit.
    • 18 Might, Rng 1, HP +5
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Spd +3
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Def +4
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Res +4


  • Basilikos: 16 Might, 1 Range, Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1).


    • Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1). Grants Atk/Spd+5. Inflicts Def/Res-5.
    • 18 Might, Rng 1, HP +5
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Spd +3
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Def +4
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Res +4


  • Felicia's Plate: 14 Might, 2 Range, After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions. Damage calculated using the lower of foe's Def or Res.


    • After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions. Damage calculated using the lower of foe's Def or Res. Grants Special Cooldown charge +1 if foe uses magic. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
    • 15 Might, Rng 1, HP +2
    • 14 Might, Rng 1, HP +2, Spd +2
    • 14 Might, Rng 1, HP +2, Def +3
    • 14 Might, Rng 1, HP +2, Res +3


  • Eckesachs:

    • Grants HP+3. Inflicts Def -6 on foes (excluding dragons) within 2 spaces at the start of each turn, through their next actions. If unit is attacked by foe using bow, daggers, magic, or staff, unit receives Def/Res+6 during combat.
    • 18 Might, Rng 1, HP +5
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Spd +3
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Def +4
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Res +4


  • Falchion refines:

    • Effective against dragon foes. Restores HP at the start of every second turn. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2 to allies within 2 spaces during combat.
    • 18 Might, Rng 1, HP +5
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Spd +3
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Def +4
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Res +4


  • Falchion refines:

    • Effective against dragon foes. Restores HP at the start of every second turn. If unit's HP = 100% at start of combat and unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice then takes 5 damage after combat.
    • 18 Might, Rng 1, HP +5
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Spd +3
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Def +4
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Res +4

Chrom, Lucina, and Masked Marth:

  • Falchion refines:

    • Effective against dragon foes. Restores HP at the start of every second turn. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally.
    • 18 Might, Rng 1, HP +5
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Spd +3
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Def +4
    • 16 Might, Rng 1, HP +5, Res +4

Quality of Life and Other Changes

  • Wrath's +10 damage now applies to AoE specials such as Blazing Thunder.
  • The manakete transformation now only applies once per map. Every other time, the manakete will automatically be a dragon.
  • The display size can now be changed on a ChromeBook's windowed mode.

New Seasonal Banner Units

New Units

New Fjorm Notification

Did you know that you can get Fjorm by completing Book II, Chapter 1, Part 5? In case you didn't, the game now notifies you so you can grab her.

Weekly Megathreads:

Here is the Weekly Question and Team Building Megathread

Here is the Weekly Summon Pull and Achievement Megathread

Here is the A Hero Rises! Voting Megathread

Here is the Grand Hero Battle Rotation Help Thread