My favorite character in Engage and my second favorite Fire Emblem character of all time (Robin still #1) is finally done!
For his build:
Weapon: True damage and flat DR based on his defense + guard and omni drive (extra omni for engaged allies) is honestly really good. I love that his defense is really high too.
Assist: swap is self explanatory
Special: I like the armored blaze and beacon line so much because of the DR and it’s an offensive special. It also perfectly capitalizes on his really high def. (And I love seeing the attack art)
Emblem: Celica is just there because I was auto farming but generally I’d give him Marth for the slaying. Tbf I actually like Celica for armors due to that fact that you could just swoop in whenever your other allies are fighting so you could near/far save them or just surprise opponents.
A skill: gives him a tad bit more survivability but I’m thinking of swapping it out for something else probably.
B skill: synergizes perfectly well with his high def.
C skill: self explanatory. T4 saves are amazing.
S: for Arena and also for auto stuff in PVE
X: still working on getting him Guard Echo (or something even better down the line) so he’s stuck with DB for now.
For his build:
Weapon: True damage and flat DR based on his defense + guard and omni drive (extra omni for engaged allies) is honestly really good. I love that his defense is really high too.
Assist: swap is self explanatory
Special: I like the armored blaze and beacon line so much because of the DR and it’s an offensive special. It also perfectly capitalizes on his really high def. (And I love seeing the attack art)
Emblem: Celica is just there because I was auto farming but generally I’d give him Marth for the slaying. Tbf I actually like Celica for armors due to that fact that you could just swoop in whenever your other allies are fighting so you could near/far save them or just surprise opponents.
A skill: gives him a tad bit more survivability but I’m thinking of swapping it out for something else probably.
B skill: synergizes perfectly well with his high def.
C skill: self explanatory. T4 saves are amazing.
S: for Arena and also for auto stuff in PVE
X: still working on getting him Guard Echo (or something even better down the line) so he’s stuck with DB for now.