Watching my parents burn rate has made me rethink my FIRE number

My parents are 72. They’ve been retired for 10 years. They both started drawing social security at 62. My mother has a small pension from her public sector job. Their net worth was/is smaller than mine is now (age 40). They will likely still have 1 million + remaining when they pass away. They just don’t spend very much money. I think many of us way overestimate what we are going to need in retirement and it extends our working lives far beyond what they need to be. Obviously everyone’s lifestyle and situation will be different but if your goal is to stop working full time as soon as possible it can likely be done sooner than you think.

Edit: This has been an interesting spectrum of human outlook on risk management. Don’t worry y’all we won’t let Mimi and Papa die in a Medicaid facility.

Edit 2: Many comments about long term medical care. Two points to make but I’d welcome feedback on them. They have an irrevocable trust which allows them to access subsidized medical care through Medicaid without losing their money. This is not an end all be all as the quality of care is probably sub standard but for how much this sub recommends the ACA health insurance as a mechanism for early retirement it’s surprising the amount of hate for that strategy. Second point is they carry my mother’s public sector insurance from the state she worked in. It’s their secondary after Medicare. They have each had surgeries with associated physical therapy, medicine etc. None has resulted in large medical bills. There are strategies to armor yourself against that threat and not have to sell an additional 5-7 years of your life is all I’m saying.