Finally got an offer in Finance! Should I have negotiated?

Hi all,

So I was finally able to get an offer (and accepted) as an Analyst within FP&A. My only worry is that i’m not sure if I should have negotiated my base salary.

So my offer was 68k + 7% bonus. Here are a few details about me and the process:

Me - Graduated December 2023 and I have been working a job in compliance since March. I have a diverse range of experience with an internship FP&A, then Cybersecurity then current job. Current job previous internships were at a Big4, global insurance firm, and a large bank.

I started interviewing in June and had 4 interviews with 1 of them being a case interview. The initial position was supposed to be a Lead position that required 3-5 YOE with a salary range of 70-75k + 10% bonus. It wasn’t until they called me this month to make the offer that they said they would like me to start off at a lower position then progress. I was bummed by this but of course I get it cause I don’t have much experience. They knew about my experience every interview and clarified the position each time.

My only concern is wondering if I accepted too fast and should’ve negotiated for 70k. I have no other offers currently and I really hate my current job. Even at 68k it is higher than my current earnings with way better benefits.

Thank you in advance!

TLDR: New grad was offered a lower position than initially discussed. Should I have negotiated?